Kathy Osa

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” —Les Brown

Why I gave up social media

Heyyyyyy! If you made it to my blog, chances are you’re probably wondering what happened to my personal Instagram. It’s gone. I’m done with it. Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been on my mind for a while now: social media. Yep, that digital wonderland where we share memes, stalk our exes, and get sucked into endless scrolling sessions. But guess what? I’ve decided to bid farewell to the world of likes, filters, and hashtags. Here’s why.

Doom Scrolling: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

First things first, let’s talk about the dreaded doom scrolling. You know the drill – one minute you’re casually checking your feed, and the next, you’re knee-deep in a vortex of negativity, anxiety, and FOMO. It’s like a never-ending rollercoaster ride of emotions, and frankly, I’ve had enough of that wild ride.

Gossiping: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Next up, let’s dish on gossiping. Oh, the sweet temptation of juicy gossip and scandalous tea. But let’s be real here – gossiping only fuels drama and spreads negativity like wildfire. Drama and gossiping is low vibrational–and ya girl is not low vibrational.

Time Management: Taking Back Control

Now, let’s talk about time management, or should I say, the lack thereof. Hours vanish into thin air as we mindlessly scroll through feeds, double-tapping on memes and dog videos like there’s no tomorrow. But guess what? Time is a precious commodity, my friends, and I refuse to waste it on mindless scrolling sessions. I have other things to do now, like writing this blog.

Digital Detox: Finding Freedom Beyond the Screen

So, what did I do about it? I embarked on a digital detox journey, my friends. Yep, I unplugged from the digital world and reconnected with the real world around me. I ditched the screens and embraced the beauty of nature, the joy of face-to-face conversations, and the simple pleasures of life unplugged.

Dopamine Reset: Breaking Free from the Like Button Addiction

Furthermore, I also embarked on a dopamine reset journey. You see, social media is like a dopamine-fueled slot machine – every like, comment, and notification gives us a hit of that sweet dopamine rush. But I decided to break free from the endless cycle of validation-seeking and reclaim control over my happiness.

Final Thoughts: Living Life Unfiltered

Annnnnnnd yeah, that’s why I’m no longer on social media. It’s been a journey of self-discovery, growth, and liberation. I’ve reclaimed my time, my sanity, and my happiness, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So here’s to living life unfiltered, unplugged, and unapologetically me. Who’s with me?